“The couple is a meeting of two people who rarely pair up.”
The name of this card is called “le couple” in French. It can be translated as “the couple” in English. If you notice any translation errors in this article, please let us know for our entire community. You can leave your comment at the bottom of this page.
The couple is more than the sum of 2 individuals, it is the union, I would even say the communion between 2 beings. The common union forms a third entity called the couple. strong> When the couple is born, it is born from the fusion between 2 beings creating a third being, represented here by the head. Often we hear when the individual wins, the couple loses. This battle of individuality frequently creates discord in the union, often leading to compromise. Well, that the couple is a third being, it does not erase our individualities, but so much to bend our personal desires in order to create harmony in this communion. The intimacy of the couple helps to establish a relationship of trust and thus creates a zone of security. It requires being honest and true to yourself and to others.
The couple is also the sharing and the nest of a future home to create the family. Communication is essential to defuse conflict situations and create new projects guaranteeing long-term union. We talk to each other, we listen to each other, we support each other. We motivate each other and we grow together. The couple is also the ‘commitment. There can be no couple without sincere commitment.
Long-term vision
Unconditional love