“The executioner and the victim are one at the time of the killing.”
The name of this card is called “le bourreau” in French. It can be translated as “the executioner” in English. If you notice any translation errors in this article, please let us know for our entire community. You can leave your comment at the bottom of this page.
The executioner is often in judgment and he believes he has the truth. He sometimes acts like a tyrant, and executes the laws that seem good to him in his own vision and his own definition, requiring on the other, a perfection. He plays on rivalries and seeks conflict. The executioner is a human being and as such, he also has his weaknesses. Pressing on its weaknesses would make us the executioners of its own persecution. The executioner has the position of the persecutor. He cuts off his victim’s head if no one comes to stop him. It is powerful, strong and has great freedom of action in its field of nuisance. It imposes its will in the face of an occasionally defenseless victim who is just waiting she a saviour.
How to make the executioner understand that he must stop his massacre?We must freeze the situation, by not making ourselves the executioner. An eye for an eye will only make him stronger and give him more purpose in his role. To stand up to him is often to use the same weapons and we ourselves become the executioner of our executioner who becomes a victim.He does not want to be saved, except by tactics, by trickery, with knowledge of the facts of which he will be charged. The process is well known in the world of politics and justice, the person responsible, the culprit comes to impose a state of victim on himself to avoid or attenuate a sanction. A kind of deceitful executioner, who knows what he has done and to mitigate his act, he plays empathy, because he can no longer play this role for certain circumstances. We have all been executioner one day, as we have all been victims or saviors. Welcome to the drama triangle.
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