“Women who have outer beauty serve as models, those who have only inner beauty serve as examples.”
The name of this card is called “l’enchanteuse” in French. It can be translated as “the enchantress” in English. If you notice any translation errors in this article, please let us know for our entire community. You can leave your comment at the bottom of this page.
The enchantress is a hetaera, a courtesan. She ignores the maternal aspect, she requires a relationship without commitment on your part. The hetaera represents the woman who should not be met for all people in a relationship, or all people who are more generally weak-minded . She makes fun of the couple and your principles, to the benefit of her personal desire. Charmed by her beauty, her elegance is dangerous. She is above all a manipulator. She plays with her charms and with your desires in order to achieve her goals. The siren song is her word. Seduction is his weapon.
Only the will, the anchoring in deep and sincere values with yourself can allow you to fight the proposals of the enchantress. This card puts forward the will to keep your promises, fight your temptations and keep your verticality in your choices. The enchanter can wear different clothes, such as physical beauty, an enticing offer, a shady proposition or any other aspect that takes you away from your principles. The Grail held in hand is an allegory.
This is what you seek to achieve personally and the enchanter understood it well.
Keep his promises
Bad intuitions