Etoiles oracle de Marseille - jeu divination voyance développement personnel


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Cartouche - carte l'imprimeur - oracle de Marseille

29 – The printer

The Printer’s card represents the dissemination of information and the transmission of ideas. She recalls the importance of communication and the transmission of knowledge. It can also indicate the need to be heard or to convey an important message.

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Cartouche - carte le fardeau - oracle de Marseille

30 – The burden

The Burden symbolizes the difficulties and responsibilities that weigh on our shoulders, reminding us that all success comes with a price to pay. It invites us to identify the source of the burden, and to free ourselves from what is useless or harmful.

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Cartouche - carte le royaume - oracle de Marseille

31 – The kingdom

The Kingdom, a symbol of power and achievement, represents the success and realization of one’s ambitions. He reminds us that to reign over his own kingdom, it is necessary to be courageous and to believe in his own abilities.

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Cartouche - carte le tisseuse - oracle de Marseille

32 – The weaver

The Weaver card represents creativity, patience and perseverance. It symbolizes the skill of creating something beautiful and durable from simple materials and using those talents to put the pieces of a complex situation together. She builds relationships with others.

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Cartouche - carte le théâtre - oracle de Marseille

33 – The theater

The Theater card represents the different roles we play in our lives, as well as the stagings we create. It also reminds us that, like in a play, the events of our lives are subject to the whims of destiny and that we are only actors in the great scene of existence.

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Les efforts de l'oracle de Marseille

34 – The efforts

Efforts represent the hard work and determination required to achieve one’s goals. This card reminds us that nothing great can be accomplished without sacrifices and challenges to overcome.

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