Etoiles oracle de Marseille - jeu divination voyance développement personnel


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La vérité de l'oracle de Marseille

41 – The Truth

Truth, symbol of revelation and justice, represents the quest for self-understanding. It invites to explore the depths of the mind and to get rid of illusions. It reminds us that truth is often difficult to accept, but it is essential for our personal and spiritual growth.

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Le message de l'oracle de marseille

42 – The Message

The Message, symbol of communication and information, embodies the news and warnings that life brings to us. It is a reminder that signs and symbols are everywhere around us, and that we must be attentive to perceive them.

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Le chariot de l'oracle de Marseille

43 – The Chariot

The Chariot card represents victory and success. It symbolizes courage, determination and the will to realize one’s aspirations and overcome obstacles. The chariot is led by two horses, which symbolize the opposite forces of emotion and reason

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Les Marchands de l'oracle de Marseille

44 – The Merchants

Merchants, symbol of trade and negotiation, represent the ability to get what you want by exchanging goods or services. They invite to be skilled in negotiations, to be persistent and to be willing to take risks. They inspire us to be resourceful, creative and determined to achieve our goals.

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Le choix de l'oracle de Marseille

45 – The choice

Choice, a symbol of freedom and responsibility, represents the ability to make decisions and take the consequences. He reminds us that the choices we make determine our lives. It encourages us to be aware of our actions, to be courageous and to be ready to live the consequences of our choices.

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Le voyageur de l'oracle de Marseille

46 – The traveller

The Voyageur, symbol of exploration and adventure, embodies the quest for discoveries and novelties. It is a reminder that life is a journey, and that to grow and evolve, it is necessary to get out of your comfort zone and open up to the world around us.

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