Etoiles oracle de Marseille - jeu divination voyance développement personnel


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Le cavalier de l'oracle de marseille

47 – The Rider

The card of the Horseman represents action, initiative and protection. He is often associated with a courageous character, determined and ready to take the lead to accomplish his mission. It is usually mounted on a horse, symbolizing its strength and speed of action.

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L'instant présent de l'oracle de Marseille

48 – The present time

The Present Time, symbol of consciousness and presence invites us to live in the here and now and enjoy every moment. He recalls that the past is over and the future uncertain, but only the present moment is real and it is important to appreciate it.

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Le changement de l'oracle de Marseille

49 – The change

Change, symbol of transformation and evolution, represents the adaptation to new situations and changes in life. It inspires us to be courageous, to seize opportunities for change and to be ready to step out of our comfort zone to evolve and grow.

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La tour de l'oracle de Marseille

50 – The Tower

The Tower, symbol of awareness and revelation, embodies moments of change and transformation. It is a warning against complacency and stagnation, recalling that to progress, it is sometimes necessary to rebuild everything.

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la tempête de l'oracle de Marseille

51 – The Storm

The Storm card represents unforeseen events, sudden changes and challenges to overcome. It can also represent difficulties that arise unexpectedly and require rapid action to overcome.

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le rêve de l'oracle de marseille

52 – The Dream

Le Rêve, symbole de créativité et d’imagination, représente la capacité de se projeter dans l’avenir, de se fixer des objectifs et de les atteindre. Il vous invite à laisser libre cours à votre imagination, à être créatifs, audacieux et passionnés par la réalisation de nos rêves.

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