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Cartouche - carte le théâtre - oracle de Marseille

33 – The theater

The Theater card represents the different roles we play in our lives, as well as the stagings we create. It also reminds us that, like in a play, the events of our lives are subject to the whims of destiny and that we are only actors in the great scene of existence.

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Cartouche - carte le fardeau - oracle de Marseille

30 – The burden

The Burden symbolizes the difficulties and responsibilities that weigh on our shoulders, reminding us that all success comes with a price to pay. It invites us to identify the source of the burden, and to free ourselves from what is useless or harmful.

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Cartouche - carte l'enchanteuse - oracle de Marseille

24 – The enchantress

The Enchantress card represents seduction, persuasion, and fascination. It symbolizes beauty, grace, charm and the power of persuasion. It can also refer to a person who uses their charm to get what they want or to a situation or person who is irresistibly attractive to us.

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Cartouche - carte le soleil- oracle de Marseille

19 – The sun

The Sun, a symbol of vitality and success, represents fulfilment. It invites us to radiate confidence and optimism, to let our true nature shine and to live our life to the full. It reminds us that anything is possible if we believe in ourselves.

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Cartouche - carte l'engrenage - oracle de Marseille

12 – The gear

The Gear, a symbol of mechanism and complexity, represents the forces that drag us into an incessant cycle of actions and consequences. It invites us to be aware of the consequences of our actions and to make informed decisions. It reminds us that our choices have an influence on our life and that of others.

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Cartouche - carte l'enfant - oracle de Marseille

11 – The Child

The Child, symbol of innocence and purity, represents the birth of new ideas. It invites us to rediscover our spontaneity and our curiosity. It reminds us of the importance of retaining our wonder and keeping our hearts open to all possibilities.

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